8pm CET – A Stad classic video-show dated April 4, 2010. This show was broadcasted in our first Studio owned by Herman van Velzen
(Once in a while we show a classic broadcast from our first studio. So no live show today. )
Geen Live show vanavond. In plaats daar van gaan wij terug in de tijd met een klassieke video. De uitzending is van 4 april 2010 opgenomen in onze eerste studio, van Herman van Velzen, aan het Koraalrood in Zoetermeer.
You will see John Sauli of Rofo as our guest in our former studio, 13 years ago!
Ga mee terug in de tijd, 13 jaar geleden op 1ste Paasdag. John Sauli van Rofo was onze gast die zondag avond.
Besides an interview with John you can hear great music that we played that night
Popcorn in de aanslag. Veel plezier met het kijken naar deze klassieke uitzending!
Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain you while you stay at home. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.
5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Today the chart of january 31st 1987. Click HERE to see the charts. Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van 31 januari 1987.
7-8pm CET – Maurizio Giovane treats you again with a fantastic mix plus video that he made of the Modern Italian wave music. Make sure you watch this. For more check out his website; Italo-disco.it
20 hr CET- Our second curfew show is on tonight… Holland is locked up from 9pm till 4:30 AM. We will get you through this lockdown & curfews! A show full of fun, positivity and interaction with you in our chat wherever you are on the globe, let’s do it together! Hand in your requests click HERE Menno, Gwen & Michael are at your service!
We give away a great present tonight! make sure you are in our chatroom. Only this way you get the chance of winning this super boot mix cd with nearly 60 tracks mixed and signed by Flemming Dalum thanks to Zyx!
Thanks to massimo Portoghese of Giorgio records we may air tonight this re-issue of the classic collectable item I wanna Tokyo’U by Simon -Lombardoni- Bennet. soon to be released
Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; Valerie Allington-Stop. ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ met een gave APK mix. (radio 10)
Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section; Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.
Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.
5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Today the chart of February 19th 1983. Click HERE to see the charts. Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van 19 februari 1983.
7-8pm CET – We proudly present Fred Ventura’s Spazio Disco mixtape 02! Every 3rd sunday of the month. Fred has selected his choice of music, Especially and exclusively for the listeners of Radio Stad! Maurizio made a cool visual to go with it. Watch and enjoy! After his mix tape we will have a live conncection with Fred through skype!
20 hr CET- Our first curfew show in our lives… Holland is locked up from 9pm till 4:30 AM. As soon as we are in the studio, we can not leave so..make sure you have your fridges filled. We are your anti-depressant! A show full of fun, positivity and interaction with you in our chat wherever you are on the globe, let’s do it together! Hand in your requests click HERE Menno, Gwen & Michael are at your service!
Tonight we will show many great music video’s! Ryan Paris is Mr. Jane! John Sauli acoustic from his home, Torrevado with crossing the line and Tiziane Rivale. W play also new music like Mark Cello on Flashback records, a great minimix made by Michael Blohm from the i Venti EP High Energy dance club, Dreamland – Mark in the Flemming Dalum remix, a new Luca Leelo, this weeks spacesynth and so much more!
Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; D-Train-Music. ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ met een gave APK mix. (radio 10)
Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section; Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.
Back on air !. The legendary Sunday evening is the best way to entertain you. Live from our studio in the Netherlands. We make it your night out. Let’s spin some new music & old school dance tracks and…from vinyl. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.
17-19h CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Today the chart of october 3rd 1987. Click HERE to see the charts. Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van 3 oktober 1987.
7-8pm CET – “Club 972” means a live mix set in our studio! Put your hands up for this great Dutch guy….DJ Zwaardski
20-23:00 hr CET- The Sundaynight Live show with your one and only Gang.. Menno, Gwen & Michiel. They will play as much as possible your requested tracks. Click Here to add a song to tonights playlist.
We will play lots of music from the good old vinyl. Sit back and enjoy your evening out with us and all the chatters around the globe. Our bar never closes.
Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; Put a little …. Michael ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ met een gave APK mix. (radio 10)
Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section; Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.
Back on air !. The legendary Sunday evening is the best way to entertain you. Live from our studio in the Netherlands. We make it your night out. Let’s spin some new music & old school dance tracks and…from vinyl. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.
17-19h CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Today the chart of november 10 1985. Click HERE to see the charts. Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van 10 november 1985.
7-8pm CET – A surprise mix during dinner..
20-23:00 hr CET- The Sundaynight Live show with your one and only Gang.. Menno, Gwen & Michiel. They will play as much as possible your requested tracks. Click Here to add a song to tonights playlist.
You stay home and we do the rest. We dont have an evening clock and we do not stop at 10pm. We make it your night out! So sit back, get a drink and enjoy the evening. Tonight we will play the radio exclusive of John Sauli’s (Rofo) new track Can’t stop the rain and…we will have a live skype call with John tonight. Go get it on bandcamp…support the artists please! And something completely different, the Dutch label Moustache Records owned by the exentric David Vunk provided us with rare, underground electro tracks.. for the true lover.
Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; ColdPeas ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ met een gave APK mix. (radio 10)
Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section; Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.
The whole show, nearly 9 hours is now on mixcloud & on our youtube channel, please sunscribe to thes channel so you never miss a thing, enjoy!
12:30pm CET- We warm you up first with the full Italo party video of Italo:DK held one year ago in Denmark. Filmed by Maurizio Giovanne. Watch these great artists perform.
4pm CET – The whole crew, including a few thousands of fans, should have been in Bergamo Italy now as we speak for a big party organised by the King Fashion Team. But all the artists including you are forced to stay at home. To support the artists and you too in these crazy times we proudly present in cooperation with ‘Club Italo’ Bergamo@Home! An alternative Italo party online. LIVE. Expect fantastic live- and semi live mix sets, artists audio files and or video’s with messages and unplugged tracks recorded from their homes!!
Video Screen is on whole day for you to watch our full programming; 16.00 – 16.15 – Opening with Michiel and Gwen in the studio 16.15 – 17.00 – 2 Milano (Serge & Harold) live mix set with video 17.00 – 17.15 – Artist unplugged audio/video/skypecall 17.15 – 18.00 – Andre Den Hartog mix set with video 18.00 – 18.30 – Artist unplugged audio/video/skypecall 18.30 – 19.15 – The Wingman (Joop) mix set with video 19.15 – 19.30 – Artist unplugged audio/video/skypecall 19.30 – 20.15 – Lex van Coeverden & Ingrid Live mixset with video 20.15 – 20.45 – Artist unplugged audio/video/skypecall 20.45 – 21.30 – Baldeejays (Peter Nederpelt&Dennis vd Berg mix video 21.30 – 22.00 – Artist unplugged audio/video/skypecall 22.00 – 23.00 – Sergi Elias from Spain! mix set with video 23.00 – 23.30 – Artist unplugged audio/video/skypecall 23.30 – 00.00 – 2 Milano (Serge & Zwaardski) Mix set bonus Closing with Michiel & Gwen in the studio
We received audio and video’s, unplugged and specially made for this event from; Wish key, Manlio Cangelli, Martinelli & Simona Zanini, Meccano, Italoconnection, Linda Jo Rizzo, Savage, Mr. Konrad (Corrado), Ryan Paris, Romano Bais, Torrevado, Anita Campognolo, Marcello Catalano Klapto, Brand Image, Brian Ice, Martin Blix, Will Reid, Michiel van der Kuy, John Sauli a.o.. And we promiss you, They are fantastic! Thanks, Graci a Tutti!!
Live skype contacts with Italoconnection (Paolo Gozetti & Fred Ventura), George Aaron, Sergi Elias, Ryan Paris, Linda Jo Rizzo, Fabrizio Rizzolo a.o..
Tonight, somewhere in between the mix sets, we show you exclusively the latest new track in video from Savage called Italodisco!! Thanks to Roberto!! We also air a new single by Linda Jo Rizzo – Just say and… a new track by Italoconnection – Nightride!
Big thanks to all behind the scenes who worked so hard to realise this event in such short notice. (a.o. Hans, Michiel, Dim, Maurizio, Serge & Harold from ‘Club Italo’ ) Big hand for all artists, support them when and where you can. Music unites us, radio unites and connects us. Stay safe Bergamo! Long live Italy; Thanks for the music!