Tag: Jay Jay Johanson

Sunday Summer Live: DoucheCo, Spazio Disco & Sundaynight Request Show 20230716

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from 15th of August, 1987 . Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de Haagse Flitsende 50 van 15 augustus 1987! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7pm CET – Spazio Disco Mixtape 28 by Fred Ventura.

Enjoy the last Spazio Disco by Fred befor his summerstop. This birthday Boy found again the time in his busy scedule to hand in his choice of music, exclusively for our listeners. Expect music from Ali Renault, Pet Shop Boys a.o..
Spazio Disco the new series will be back in october.

Artwork by Fred and a visual including tracklist is made by Maurizio for you to watch here on our website!

Happy Summer! 8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live Request show!

Your gang Gwen, Menno & Michiel will play your requested tracks and we have the usual Sunday night items.

Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get into our Global chatroom!

1982-2023 …
41 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

Tonight we play the new track by the Swedish band 1984 and this summer track is called Baila Baila. Our own Ingrid Elting made a new track called Music is all around. A loyal chatter and friend made also a track. His name; The Hooligan (Mikko Virtanen) with Nitrogene. And our dear friend from Scotland Paul pushes every week a track that he found on bandcamp. PTB’s choice for tonight is Blackbook from Switserland with Everybody is a nobody
Andyou can still book your tickets for the ultimate HI-NRG party for november 11 starring Paul Parker from San Francisco! Click > HERE to order.

‘Even over half met Hartman’ – APK Mix rond de klok van half 11
Todays minimix by Marc Hartman is D Train – Music

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Summer Live: DoucheCo & Sundaynight Request Show 20230709

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from 26 of July, 1986 . Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de Haagse Flitsende 50 van 26 juli 1986! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7pm CET – Surprise mix in between our live programming

Happy Summer! 8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live Request show!

Your gang Gwen, Menno & Michiel will play your requested tracks and we have the usual Sunday night items.

Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get into our Global chatroom!

1982-2023 …
41 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

You can now book your tickets for the ultimate HI-NRG party for november 11 starring Paul Parker from San Francisco! Click > HERE to order, early bird tickets still available! . Tonight we play Passion by Linda Jo Rizzo in the new acoustic version. This weeks Bandcamp push is from Sweden; Ankomst with a 90s Eurodance track thanks to PTB(Paul Thomson Bernard) from Scotland!

‘Even over half met Hartman’ – APK Mix rond de klok van half 11
Todays minimix by Marc Hartman is Donna Summer I Feel Love !

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Summer Live: DoucheCo, Disco reloaded & Sundaynight Show 20230702

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from 2nd of July, 1983 . Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de Haagse Flitsende 50 van 2 juli 1983! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7pm CET – Disco reloaded Show with DJ Serge!

Every first sunday of the month you can enjoy a partly hosted radio show by Serge Bobo. It’s packed with the latest Nu Disco tracks and mini-mixes dedicated to the 80s

Happy Summer! 8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live show!

Your gang Gwen, Menno & Michiel will play your requested tracks and we have the usual Sunday night items.

Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get into our Global chatroom!

And you can now book your tickets for the ultimate HI-NRG party for november 11 starring Paul Parker from San Francisco! Click > HERE to order

1982-2023 …
41 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

Special broadcast tonight. In the studio we have great guests and Harold Zwaartman, you know him of the RMXD show on thursday. Every year there is a huge mixcontest and tonight the winner will be revealed live on air. He wins a release with his mix on the upcoming Adams & Fleisner (digital emotion) ulitmate collection CD on i Venti. Second winner receives a Traktor controller thanks to Vitasys. Next to that we have new music to promote; Lucca Leeloo from Denmark will release a remix album we will play one track and this weeks Bandcamp push is Noemi Aurora from Italy thanks to PTB from Scotland

‘Even over half met Hartman’ – APK Mix rond de klok van half 11
Todays minimix by Marc Hartman

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Summer Live: DoucheCo & Sundaynight Request Show 20230625

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from 17th of June, 1989 . Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de Haagse Flitsende 50 van 17 juni 1989! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7pm CET – RonalDJee – Fred ventura Mixed

An extra mix is programmed this sunday, freshly made this week. Fred Ventura also performed live yesterday night in Delft Netherlands, so good reason to air this mix… Enjoy!

Happy Summer! 8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live Request show!

Your gang is complete again… Gwen, Menno & Michiel will play your requested tracks…hand them in now on top of the webpage.

Join us and the whole Italo/music family here. It’s hot! So have lots to drink and get into our Global chatroom!

1982-2023 …
41 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

Lots to talk about tonight and ofcourse we have some new music for you. We play a promo track from the new upcoming album by Marcel de Van called ‘The Best’ . From our Scottish friend Paul we received this weeks PTB’s Bandcamp choice; It is from Jeyjon vs Zinqmind. Jeyjon is a former member of ‘Dead or Alive’ . Spacesynth track chosen by Menno is from Johan “Paralyze” Kosela. By post we received a cd from Peter Paul ( Piotr Sulikowski & Robert Latoszewski), we will play a track… see you tonight!

‘Even over half met Hartman’ – APK Mix rond de klok van half 11
Todays minimix by Marc Hartman ; Divine vs INXS

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Live: DoucheCo, Spazio Disco & Sundaynight Show 20230618

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from 16th of June, 1984 . Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de Haagse Flitsende 50 van 16 juni 1984! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7pm CET – Spazio Disco 27 by Fred Ventura!

Every month the one and only Fred Ventura shares his choice of music exclusively with our listeners in Spazio Disco Mixtape. Expect music from Bunny X, Alison Goldfrapp, Daft Punk a.o..

(a Visual including tracklist for you to watch is made by Maurizio Giovane)

and dont forget…next saturday Fred will perform in Holland in Delft @Cultuurlab

Happy Summer! 8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live show!

Tonight you are entertained by guest DJ’s. Menno & Gwen are having a short break high up in the French Alpes hiking their asses off….
Alex Ivens and Harold Zwaartman will stand in for them playing the best music for you

Join your gang and the whole Italo/music family here. Have a drink and get into our Global chatroom!

1982-2023 …
41 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

Tonight it is boys, boys, boys only due to short holiday of Menno & Gwen. So no special items but men talk and good music only. Enjoy the company of DJ’s Alex and Harold!

‘Even over half met Hartman’ – APK Mix rond de klok van half 11
Today a new minimix by Marc Hartman

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Live: DoucheCo, Live Mix-Set & Sundaynight Request Show 20230611

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from 15th of June, 1985 . Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de Haagse Flitsende 50 van 15 juni 1985! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7pm CET – Sergi Elias in the mix, live From Barcelona to your house!

If someone can do it in the Mix it is the Spanish giant Sergi Elias! He will totally surprise you tonight going out of his own comfort zone by speeding up over 80 tracks from the 90s in one hour…. can you keep up ? Can he win this race? Give him a huge hand and hang out the flags at the finish for…
Sergi Elias!

(watch him perform here)

Happy Summer! 8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live Request show!

Hosted by Gwen, Menno & Michiel who will play your requested tracks…hand them in now on top of the webpage.

Join your gang and the whole Italo/music family here. Have a drink and get into our Global chatroom!

1982-2023 …
41 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

The summer is magic with Radio Stad. You must have heard off again another pile of new releases on i Venti label, we have played them from mp3’s untill now. Tonight Edddy Mi Ami comes with the actual pieces of vinyl that we will give a propper first spin; George Aaron, NOIA, Tony Caso, Digital Emotion and Aleph! Order them now via www.iventirecords.com
Our good friend from Scotland who choses every week a Bandcamp suggestion celebrates his birthday tomorrow. The PTB’s choice for tonight is Daddy Squad- Were so lovely and as an extra Kylie vs Matt Pop. Thanks to Will Reid we received the latest Digimax!

‘Even over half met Hartman’ – APK Mix rond de klok van half 11
Todays minimix by Marc Hartman ; Beyonce – Break my soul

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.