SATURDAY is totally ReMiXeD …
Saturdays on RSDH is your total mix experience. We make it your day & night out! From 4 till 11pm CET. Chat room is open, see you there!

4-7pm CET– Re-run of our friday mix-sets. In case you have missed it or, too good not to listen again;
*DJ Sandmann – Horny Disco
*Sies Naipal – S-Mix 16
*Alex Ivens – Cafe FutureRecords Yearmix 1980
See for all details our friday post

8pm CET – Dance destination.
Every week Miss Ingrid Elting hands in a fresh new mix for you.
Tonight in All you can Dance;
9-11pm CET -RMXD. Show 46 Top 10 greatest remixes of all time!
Hosted by Harold Zwaartman aka DJ Zwaardski

From the start of this show it has been questioned…. Which, in your opinion, is the best made mix of all time….. And with this question we ended up with 158 voters who selected their best ever. (They could choose from a list with 50 different mixes.)
In the next weeks, untill the end of the year, you can hear the Top 10 of best mixes chosen by listeners, mix Dj’s and fans.
NR 10! Tonight we air the last part part of a 5 hour mix by DJ Hysterical made in 2014 with the title;
‘TFIO Turn up the bass special’
(The first 4 hours we have aired in the previous shows) And you will hear a long chat with the maker of this giant mix.
In the second hour you will hear nr. 9 of the best mixes of all time!
Listen to all previous shows via his mixcloud
For Mixfreaks, By Mixfreaks!
Please join our chatroom tonight! Share your stories with people from all over the globe. Let’s connect ! RSDH makes it your night out!
De uitgebreide serie gesprekken met mixers en Dj’s , oftewel een biografie in geluid, kun je op Harold zijn podcast volgen. RMXD the podcast