The Classics Café Live ! (Audio only)
Please click on top in media on audio & chat, or on ‘listen’ on the right side.
Dit programma is live maar zonder beeld. Klik hierboven op ‘media’ en dan op ‘audio & chat’

Enjoy our weekly live show hosted by DJ Erwin!
Erwin van Rijn breekt je week in twee!
8pm CET

Our bar never closes. Every wednesday DJ Erwin will present live ‘The RSDH Classics Café’ ! He serves you the hottest 80s & 90s dance Classics from his home studio. Join the chat!
Elke woensdag presenteerd DJ Erwin live ‘The RSDH Classics Café’ ! Dus kom gezellig aan zijn bar hangen terwijl hij de lekkerste 80s & 90s dance classics serveert vanuit zijn thuis studio.

And the bar remains open!
After this show you can enjoy Italo Happy hour non stop.
“you stay at home, we do the rest”