Tag: jan jensen

LIVE! Club 80s with Will Reid 20210610

This show will be available on his Mixcloud page soon after the show ends.
Please click on top on audio & chat, or on ‘listen’ on the right side
Live connected with Scotland, 7pm UK time/8pm CEST!

8pm CEST- Will is back on the Stad. Live connected from his hometown Musselburgh in bonnie Scotland. Please join us in the chatroom, its a Global Gig!

Club 80s returns on Thursday with a great show of super new music, influenced by the magical 80s! A premiere of another new Blixx86, Peter Wilson, Knight$, the single All Over taken from the latest new Italoconnection album, your voice messages & requested tracks! Do join us!

This is the emailadres for all your voice messages and requests for the upcoming new show
[email protected]. These shows will be soon available on Club 80s mixcloud.

LIVE! Club 80s with Will Reid 20210527

This show will be available on his Mixcloud page soon after the show ends.
Please click on top on audio & chat, or on ‘listen’ on the right side
Live connected with Scotland, 7pm UK time/8pm CEST!

8pm CEST- Will is back on the Stad. Live connected from his hometown Musselburgh in bonnie Scotland. Please join us in the chatroom, its a Global Gig!

Club 80s returns on Thursday with a bumper show of super new music, influenced by the magical 80s! Amongst many other gems and your voice requests, we’ll sample a few tracks from Italoconnection’s long awaited and exciting new album, “Midnight Confessions V1” – just announced! And there is more … Extra special thanks this week to the record labels, Bordello, ZYX, Blanco y Negro, iVenti & Flashback who continue to have faith! Plus, we’ll have an update on BEATBOXGBG21 Party and your voice messages & requested tracks!

This is the emailadres for all your voice messages and requests for the upcoming new show
[email protected]. These shows will be soon available on Club 80s mixcloud.

LIVE! Club 80s with Will Reid 20210513

This show will be available on his Mixcloud page soon after the show ends.
Please click on top on audio & chat, or on ‘listen’ on the right side
Live connected with Scotland, 7pm UK time/8pm CEST!

8pm CEST- Will is back on the Stad. Live connected from his hometown Musselborough in a free bonnie Scotland. Please join us in the chatroom, its a Global Gig!

When you listen to Will’s show he allways surprises you playing the usual mixture of Classics, New Generation gems, your requests and even a couple of fabby World Exclusives from Sweden Plus, something a little bit different in hour one.

This is the emailadres for all your voice messages and requests for the upcoming new show
[email protected]. These shows will be soon available on Club 80s mixcloud.

LIVE! Club 80s with Will Reid 20210429

This show will be available on his Mixcloud page soon after the show ends.
Please click on top on audio & chat, or on ‘listen’ on the right side
Live connected with Scotland, 7pm UK time/8pm CET!

8pm CET- Will is back on the Stad. Live connected from his hometown Musselborough in a free bonnie Scotland. Please join us in the chatroom, its a Global Gig!

When you listen to Will’s show he allways surprises you. New released music but he also gives a way some CD’s tonight! so make sure you are in the chatroom. Ofcourse also your requested songs, voice messages & Classic 80s tracks.

This is the emailadres for all your voice messages and requests for the upcoming new show
[email protected]. These shows will be soon available on Club 80s mixcloud.

LIVE! Club 80s with Will Reid 20210415

This show will be available on his Mixcloud page soon after the show ends.
Please click on top on audio & chat, or on ‘listen’ on the right side
Live connected with Scotland, 7pm UK time/8pm CET!

8pm CET- Will is back on the Stad. Live connected from his hometown Musselborough in bonnie Scotland. Please join us in the chatroom, its a Global Gig!

New music tonight from Stockholm Nightlife & Fancy, but you know Will he always has more surprises. Ofcourse also your requested songs, voice messages, some Classic 80s & New Gen Gems .

This is the emailadres for all your voice messages and requests for the upcoming new show
[email protected]. These shows will be soon available on Club 80s mixcloud.

Sunday Live: DoucheCo & Sunday night Request Curfew Show 20210228

We give it another try.. Hopefully we have connection so..Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain you while you stay at home. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Today the chart of March 5th 1983. Click HERE to see the charts.
Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van 5 maart 1983.

7-8pm CET – A surprise mix for you by DJ Elroy… Smashmix 80s ,153 tracks.

8pm CET – The one and only sunday night live show and boy oh boy have we got loads for you tonight like the world premiere of the new Italove Track! And we will have a live skype talk with Martin Blix….but there is more

….We have some catching up to do since we couldnt broadcast last sunday. Thanks to Peter Wilson we air exclusively his new single taken from the album Electricity! Martin Blix from Italove has a solo project, this is his first, a fabby cover of mad Desire and we will show the video. Andermay is back on Blanco y Negro, On Flashback a new Rocambole is out, A remix by Flemming Dalum of the classic track by John Arrow and Els Hits from Josep Xorto & Congoband in the Italoconnection remix. This weeks Spacesynth and so much more! We still have all the requests from last week, but if you want and we have time left click HERE

Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; Like The Wind. All new composed !
‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ met een gave APK mix. (radio 10)

Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section; Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.