Tag: winter radio

Sunday live : DoucheCo- & Request show 20200308 RECORDED

Back on air !. The legendary Sunday evening is the best way to end your weekend. Live from our studio in the Netherlands. We make it your night out. Let’s spin some new music & old school dance tracks. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.

17-19h CET: DoucheCo with Michiel van der Brugge. He will play the best tracks from a classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Lets go back to march the 7th 1987 ! Click HERE to see this chart.
Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van weleer. Vandaag gaan we terug naar 7 maart 1987.

Between 7-8pm CET we air a surprise mix

20-23:00hr CET- The Sundaynight Live show. Your gang is ready to play your requests. Click Here to add a song to tonights playlist.

Busy night ahead guys. Eddi Mi Ami of i Venti records is with us to present the latest re-presses and remixes, first on RSDH ofcourse! Swan Shining Star re-issue on silver vinyl, Lipps Eye repress in Eddy Mi Ami remix, David Gray repress in I-Robots reconstruction, Miko Mission in Savino DJ Remix & Ryan Paris. Order them now for your vinyl collection. Then the remake of the classic 1983 track Ris Love and music by Flemming Dalum, very well done! Tracks from the new spacesynth album Faith Island by Marcel de Van & as a bonus an Italo track from Sweden by Jenkie.

Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; New Order. ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ (Radio 10) met een gave APK mix.

Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section, on Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday live : DoucheCo- & Request show 20200301 RECORDED

Back on air !. The legendary Sunday evening is the best way to end your weekend. Live from our studio in the Netherlands. We make it your night out. Let’s spin some new music & old school dance tracks. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.

17-19h CET: DoucheCo with Michiel van der Brugge. He will play the best tracks from a classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Lets go back to march 2nd 1985 ! Click HERE to see this chart.
Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van weleer. Vandaag gaan we terug naar 2 maart 1985.

19-20h CET-A mix by Marco Di Luna called “Fading to Grey”; 80’s tracks but just a little bit different in tha mix 😉

20-23:00hr CET- The Sundaynight Live show. Your gang is ready to play your requests. Click Here to add a song to tonights playlist.

Tonight we play some left over requests from last week.
And…we have a CD Launch tonight, exclusively on RSDH the new Spacesynth CD by Chris van Buren, Neospace! He is with us in the studio and so will be Michiel v/d Kuy!. The new videoclip of Italove’s The mirror is ready, we will show it to you, ofcourse the new lovely track of the legend Grant Miller and.. The classic 1987 track in the dark in the also playable mono remix, release 13 of march on Zyx.

Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; Chaplin band vs midway. ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ (Radio 10) met een gave APK mix.

Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section, on Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday live : DoucheCo- & Request show 20200223 RECORDED

Back on air !. The legendary Sunday evening is the best way to end your weekend. Live from our studio in the Netherlands. We make it your night out. Let’s spin some new music & old school dance tracks. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.

17-19h CET: DoucheCo with Michiel van der Brugge. He will play the best tracks from a classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Lets go back to 25 february 1984 ! Click HERE to see this chart.
Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van weleer. Vandaag gaan we terug naar 25 februari 1984.

7-8pm CET- ‘Club RSDH’ … Live mix-set in our studio with Joe Nathan from Remix the Remix!

20-23:00hr CET- The Sundaynight Live show. We are ready to play your requests. Click Here to add a song to tonights playlist.

Menno is on a short trip so we have guest dj’s; the one and only Eddy Mi Ami with a bag full of vinyl!! and from an era long gone; Dennis Kokkelink( Station manager of NRG Haaglanden 106.3 radio from the 90s.) Lets see if he still has it.
Tonight exclusives, all stunning! On Blanco Y Negro thanks to Sergi Elias; Marcos Rodriquez ft Keneida-in this world, release next week. From PBH media Sweden; 1984 in the Italoconnection remix, Francesca e Luigi & leaderboard. Also the latest new Italove track- The Mirror, release feb 27th. We received a funky track from Sweden by Neo Romeoz, From Flemming Dalum 2 remixes; Denny Beeth & Savage both soon on Zyx New Gen cd, Grant Miller! He is back and we have a remix by DJ Sies; Ten City-Thats the way love is. So very busy evening again!

Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; Harry Truman. ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ (Radio 10) met een gave APK mix.

Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section, on Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday live : DoucheCo- & Request show 20200216 RECORDED

Back on air !. The legendary Sunday evening is the best way to end your weekend. Live from our studio in the Netherlands. We make it your night out. Let’s spin some new music & old school dance tracks. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.

17-19h CET: DoucheCo with Michiel van der Brugge. He will play the best tracks from a classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Lets go back to 15 february 1986 ! Click HERE to see this chart.
Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van weleer. Vandaag gaan we terug naar 15 februari 1986.

7pm CET- By now world famous, from Paris to Mexico and tonight in our studio together with his cousin. A live mix-set with the best trance music! let’s welcome DJ Peet Need & Eric!

20-23:00hr CET- The Sundaynight Live show. Your gang is ready to play your requests. Click Here to add a song to tonights playlist. Lots of new gems tonight!

Tonight again lots of new music that we received… On Flashback records the re-press of Andy Romano- tomorrow you dont know. Another on Flashback is Tiziane Rivale- dont cheat on me. From Chris Gogstad from Sweden we received Jungle eyes. Vogon Poetry also from sweden has a new album.. And we wil show a video of Mental Blue ft Barb June – Dancing in your hug

Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; Cerrone-Super nature. ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ (Radio 10) met een gave APK mix.

Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section, on Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday live : DoucheCo- & Request show 20200209 RECORDED

Back on air !. The legendary Sunday evening is the best way to end your weekend. Live from our studio in the Netherlands. We make it your night out. Let’s spin some new music & old school dance tracks. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.

17-19h CET: DoucheCo with Michiel van der Brugge. He will play the best tracks from a classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Lets go back to 12 february 1983 ! Click HERE to see this chart.

Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van weleer. Vandaag gaan we terug naar 12 februari 1983.

7pm CET- a surprise mix for your entertainement during supper

20-23:00hr CET- The Sundaynight Live show. Your gang is ready to play your requests. Click Here to add a song to tonights playlist. As off 10pm guest DJ Jos will take Menno’s place. Lots of new gems tonight!

Besides our weekly spacesynth track we received a world premiere by Flemming Dalum! His remake of the classic track Moliendo Café.
Then thanks to Andrew of Moderno we will play the new remix of Spark, by Vanello and Steven Kimber. And we received presents from Sergi Elias of Blanco Y negro music… fantastic pieces of vinyl with all colours of the rainbow. And more primeurs; Aki- Tokyo’s in the DJ Sies remix and Diamond in the night feat Bowman, a remake of the Italo classic by Jonathan.

Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; K. Wiltshire changed. ‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ (Radio 10) met een gave APK mix.

Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section, on Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday live : DoucheCo- & Request show 20200202 RECORDED

Back on air !. The legendary Sunday evening is the best way to end your weekend. Live from our studio in the Netherlands. We make it your night out. Let’s spin some new music & old school dance tracks. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatbox is open !.

17-19h CET: DoucheCo with Michiel van der Brugge. He will play the best tracks from a classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Lets go back to 7 february 1987 ! Click HERE to see this chart.
Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van weleer. Vandaag gaan we terug naar 7 februari 1987.

7pm CET- a TMF mega mix 2020 by Elroy Heesbeen ! over 200 tracks in 1 hour

20-23:00hr CET- The Sundaynight Live show with your gang: Menno, Gwen & Michiel. We are back tonight to play your requested songs. Click Here to add a song to tonights playlist. Surprise us with your suggestions!!

And, for now only on bandcamp but soon on a proper album, a new project from Italoconnection! This EP is a tribute to some of the most iconic and obscure tracks that defined synthetic disco in the late 70s and early 80s with an electronic spleen.  We play Disco Computer.

Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week; Doctors cat.
‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ (Radio 10) met een gave APK mix van 6 minuten

Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section, on Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.