Tag: Spazio Disco mixtape

Spazio Disco by Fred Ventura

7-8pm CET – Spazio Disco Mixtape 42 by Fred Ventura!

Fred treats you and us every month exclusively with his choice of music from his own collection and it is always a joy to listen what he picked out this time…. Expect tracks from Cybotron, Emmon, Pet Shop Boys a.o..

Visual incl. tracklist is made by Maurizio for you to watch here on our website

You will find all his previous Spazio disco mixtapes in our menu under ‘replay’!

Spazio Disco by Fred Ventura

7-8pm CET – Spazio Disco Mixtape 41 by Fred Ventura!

Fred treats you and us every month exclusively with his choice of music from his own collection and it is always a joy to listen what he picked out this time….

Visual incl. tracklist is made by Maurizio for you to watch here on our website

You will find all his previous Spazio disco mixtapes in our menu under ‘replay’!

Spazio Disco by Fred Ventura

7-8pm CET – Spazio Disco Mixtape 40 by Fred Ventura!
> last sunday there was a bug in the file so you couldnt listen & watch this whole episode 40. Therefor we rerun it today!…2nd chance!

Fred treats you and us exclusively with his choice of music from his own collection and it is always a joy to listen what he picked out this time…. Expect tracks from Charlie, Midnight star, Aili and o.a..

Visual incl. tracklist is made by Maurizio for you to watch here on our website

You will find all his previous Spazio disco mixtapes in our menu under ‘replay’!

Spazio Disco by Fred Ventura

7-8pm CET – Spazio Disco Mixtape 40 by Fred Ventura!

Every 3rd sunday of the month Fred treats you and us exclusively with his choice of music from his own collection and it is always a joy to listen what he picked out this time…. Expect tracks from Charlie, Midnight star, Aili and o.a..

Visual incl. tracklist is made by Maurizio for you to watch here on our website

You will find all his previous Spazio disco mixtapes in our menu under ‘replay’!

Spazio Disco by Fred Ventura

7-8pm CET – Spazio Disco Mixtape 39 by Fred Ventura!

Last weekend he was still performing at the Mega party in Bergamo and now he is back from his summerbreak!!
Every 3rd sunday of the month Fred treats you and us with his choice of music from his own collection and it is always a joy to listen to what he picked out this time….

Visual incl. tracklist is made by Maurizio for you to watch

You will find all his previous Spazio disco mixtapes in our menu under ‘replay’!

Sunday Live: DoucheCo, Disco Reloaded & Sunday Night request Show with Trans X 20240001

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your day and night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open.
Live Screen will be active at 5pm CET

Due to a summer stop no Clip Classics for a few month!

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from September 7, 1985 Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit een klassieke Haagse Flitsende 50 lijst van 7 september 1985 ! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7-8pm CET – Serge Bobo – Disco reloaded!

Serge is back on track! Every first sunday of the month he delivers a new partly hosted show full of Nu Disco music!

8pm CET till midnight – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live show !
Menno, Gwen & Michiel are ready to play your requested tracks. If you like to add a request, Click HERE

Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get in our live Global chatroom.
1982-2024 … 42 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

A full show tonight!
Besides your requested tracks and the new arrived i Venti records on vinyl we have a skype interview with band we all grew up with…. Trans X! We will speak to the leading man Pascal Languirand and we want to know all from past till present. See the flyer below, they will be in Europe for a big tour starting in a couple of days!!
We have the radio primeur of the latest new release from Victoria Nordmann (lyrics by Roberto Marmolani) and this is also PTB’s choice! So dont go anywhere and watch it all here. See you in our chatroom!

And …. they have arrived! Still warm and sizzling hot, the new i Venti releases on vinyl!! We will test them with our needles tonight!

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.