Tag: Request a song

Sunday eve; The day after the Top 200; Will Reid & Bubbling Under’s Top 200 Live Show 20241229

Your crew is still unwinding from yesterdays mega broadcast, the 2024 edition of the best chart ever, the RSDH Top 200 of all time. From 9 in the morning till way past midnight we counted down your submited votes revealing the new number one! It was again one big party and we thank all our listeners for their support. Enjoy our sunday’s programming!

6pm CET – Will Reid’s Best of 2024 !
Our good friend Will from Scotland collected the best new releases from the past year.
It is by now a true tradition that Will hands in this brilliant show at the end of the year full of energy and the best tracks picked out for you.

Since we had a different situation for once this year concerning our Top 200 chart yesterday we aired his show last friday and rerun it today. Tracklist in the comments! Enjoy!!

8pm CET- Bubbling under the Top 200 show!
With feet still sore and a bit tired the day after the mega broadcast, your crew will play tracks that didn’t make it into this years chart. So from position 201 till 300 we will play random great tracks.
join our chatroom to remenisce the great long day we had together yesterday!
Tracklist in the comments!

Wat een dag hadden wij met elkaar gisteren, het was er weer eén voor in de boeken. 17 uur lang en live vierden wij samen met jullie het 20 jarig bestaan van de enige echte hitlijst die er toe doet van de muziek waar wij allemaal van houden. De Top 200 aller tijden! Jullie hebben wederom massaal gestemd waarvoor dank! Na 12 uur vannacht draaide wij de nieuwe nummer 1! 19 Jaar lang bengelde deze track onder de eerste plek. HIER vindt je de hele lijst. De 17 uur lange uitzending is in 5 delen terug te kijken, vooral doen! Ook alleen in audio te downloaden HIER vindt je de links.

Onze grote dank gaat uit naar iedereen die meegeholpen heeft om deze uitzending mogelijk te maken. Ook naar onze luisteraars en chatters met jullie niet aflatende support. Chapeau!
Thank you all for your support and love, yesterday, today and allways. This is what keeps us going.
De prijswinnaars krijgen binnenkort bericht. Prizewinners will soon receive an email.

Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section on top under ‘replay’ Thanks to Rick, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook. Will Reid’s show is on Club80sofficial Mixcloud!

Sunday Live: DoucheCo, Disco Reloaded & Sunday Night request Show with Trans X 20240001

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your day and night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open.
Live Screen will be active at 5pm CET

Due to a summer stop no Clip Classics for a few month!

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from September 7, 1985 Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit een klassieke Haagse Flitsende 50 lijst van 7 september 1985 ! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7-8pm CET – Serge Bobo – Disco reloaded!

Serge is back on track! Every first sunday of the month he delivers a new partly hosted show full of Nu Disco music!

8pm CET till midnight – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live show !
Menno, Gwen & Michiel are ready to play your requested tracks. If you like to add a request, Click HERE

Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get in our live Global chatroom.
1982-2024 … 42 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

A full show tonight!
Besides your requested tracks and the new arrived i Venti records on vinyl we have a skype interview with band we all grew up with…. Trans X! We will speak to the leading man Pascal Languirand and we want to know all from past till present. See the flyer below, they will be in Europe for a big tour starting in a couple of days!!
We have the radio primeur of the latest new release from Victoria Nordmann (lyrics by Roberto Marmolani) and this is also PTB’s choice! So dont go anywhere and watch it all here. See you in our chatroom!

And …. they have arrived! Still warm and sizzling hot, the new i Venti releases on vinyl!! We will test them with our needles tonight!

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Live: Canzione Italiana, DoucheCo, Live MixSet & Sunday Night request Show 202400818

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your day and night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open.
Live Screen will be active at 1pm CET

Due to a summer stop no Clip Classics for a few month!

1-5pm CET – Canzione Italiana part 2 LIVE

Marcello and Maurizio will treat you 4 hours long with pure Italian vibes; pop music made in Italy featuring only the best solo musica Italiana to celebrate summer!

Watch it all here on our website

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from August 8, 1987 Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit een klassieke Haagse Flitsende 50 lijst van 8 augustus 1987 ! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7-8pm CET – ‘Club 972’ ; Live DJ Mix-set in our studio with Arthur Loef!

Arthur is a great mixer and he does it with vinyl records only!! Wait and see…..!

8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live show !
Menno, Gwen & Michiel are with you throughout the summer. We play your requested tracks. If you like to add a request, Click HERE

Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get in our live Global chatroom.
1982-2024 … 42 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

Welcome to another episode of the famous Sunday night live show. It’s vacation time but we are here with you to entertain you wherever you are. This evening we show some nice music video’s, one is handed in by our good friend Morten Kimman. Sandor Mate aka Electro Potato is a producer and remixer he also handed in 2 great tracks; Dear crazy sweet music feat Rachelle and Sexy Lady. We noticed that Bobby O is active again let’s play something and see what you think. We have this weeks Spacesynth chosen by Menno, Marc Hartman’s APK mix is Frankie goes to Hollywood and also this weeks Bandcamp push by Paul T. Bernard from Scotland!

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Live: DoucheCo, Mix video & Sunday Night request Show 202400811

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your day and night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open.
Live Screen will be active at 16:50pm CET

Due to a summer stop no Clip Classics for a few month!

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from August 20, 1986 Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit een klassieke Haagse Flitsende 50 lijst van 20 augustus 1986 ! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7-8pm CET – Italo Boot Mix Video – Maurizio Giovane

2 Weeks ago we had our second RSDH Italo boat tour this year with music on board. The video you are about to watch is a compilation of this tour including the music that was aired on the canals during this trip, mixed by Maurizio.

8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live show !
Menno, Gwen & Michiel are with you throughout the summer. We play your requested tracks. If you like to add a request, Click HERE
After 10pm Jerry will replace Menno.
Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get in our live Global chatroom.
1982-2024 … 42 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

Welcome to another episode of the famous Sunday night live show. It’s vacation time but we are here with you to entertain you wherever you are. We will play a different Vamos ala Playa …The Greek version!
This weeks bandcamp push by PTB from Scotland is a rather sinister track by the exentric Tobias Bernstrup called Jackie 60. And you all know Marc Hartman by now, providing us every week the ‘APK’mix. tonight we will have a phone chat with Marc…what does he exactly mean by APK and how does he all come about… the new APK mix we will air is Electrica Jingo on the beach…

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Live: DoucheCo, Live Mix-Set & Sunday Night request show 202400728

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your day and night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open.
Live Screen will be active at 16:50pm CET

Due to a summer stop no Clip Classics for a few month!

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from 6th of July 1985 Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit een klassieke Haagse Flitsende 50 lijst van 6 juli 1985 ! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7-8pm CET – ‘Club 972’ means a live mix-set in our studio. Tonight DJ Senna
Two weeks ago she had her debut with us and she was a big succes, now she is back again mixing live early 90s dance with vinyl!
Give this DJ Girl Senna a big hand!

8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live show !
Menno, Gwen & Michiel are with you throughout the summer. We play your requested tracks. If you like to add a request, Click HERE
Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get in our live Global chatroom.
1982-2024 … 42 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

In tonights show we will air the classic track Come back by Jimmy & Susy in the DJ TinTin remix. Tommy Olsen is DJ TinTin and he handed in this version to promote. You can get this piece of vinyl including also a Flemming Dalum remix on ZYX. Next week the new track from More will be released; People live in sin. PTB’s choice is a videoclip; In this video the new album from the Brit Steve Kimber is promoted, it is a compilation of 14 tracks. This cd is now available on the Italo Box Music label. Ofcourse we have this weeks spacesynth and a new APK mix by Marc Hartman; Tamiko Jones – cant live without your love

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.

Sunday Live: Canzone Italiana, DoucheCo, Spazio Disco & Sunday Night request show 202400721

We are Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your day and night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain wherever you are! Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open.
Live Screen will be active at 12:50pm CET

Due to a summer stop no Clip Classics for a few month!

1-5pm CET – Canzone Italiana !
A unique and special one-time live show in very Italian atmosphere that fits this summer period perfectly.

Maurizio is a big fan of the pure Italian song and has a huge collection. Therefor he came with the idea for a
4 hour long show with the best Italy has to offer regarding their own pop music.
Marcello is you host! Lets have a refreshing drink and some Italian bites together with beautiful songs and some video’s for the perfect Dolce Vita feeling.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the ultimate classic hit chart once broadcasted in the 80s on RSDH. Today the chart from 21st of July 1984 Click HERE to see the charts.

Zit je er weer klaar voor?
Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit een klassieke Haagse Flitsende 50 lijst van 21 juli 1984 ! Inclusief minimixjes door bevriende chatters.

7-8pm CET – Spazio Disco Mixtape 38 by Fred Ventura!

Every 3rd sunday of the month Fred treats you and us with his choice of music from his own collection and it is always a joy to listen to what he chose this time…. Enjoy tracks like Alex Virgo, Chromeo, Lindstrohm a.o tracks to spice you up.

Visual incl. tracklist is made by Maurizio for you to watch

8pm CET – Welcome to the legendary sundaynight live show !
Your crew tonight; Menno, Gwen & Michiel are with you throughout the summer. We play your requested tracks. If you like to add a request, Click HERE
Join us and the whole Italo/music family here and get in our live Global chatroom.
1982-2024 … 42 years your one and only Italo & High Energy Station. Allways first with the best our music can offer you.

The sad news reached us that this sunday High NRG queen Evelyn Thomas at the age of 70 has passed away today, who didnt grew up with her music. We will remember her by playing several of her songs…..Tonight also besides your requested tracks a project by our listener Mikko The Hooligan, he made his own cover of Voyage Voyage. The bandcamp push for this week chosen by our Scottish friend Paul comes from California; Glass Spells.. Ofcourse we have this weeks spacesynth and a new APK mix by Marc Hartman; Tantra – Wishbone !

Within 24hrs all shows are on Youtube thanks to Rick. Audio can also be downloaded in our section ‘missed shows’. playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.