Sunday Live: DoucheCo & Sunday night Request Curfew Show 20210307

Back on air !. Every sunday we make it your night out with the best live shows online. let us entertain you while you stay at home. Studio Cams are rolling and the chatroom is open !.

5-7pm CET: DoucheCo with Michiel. He will play the best tracks from the classic hit chart once broadcasted on RSDH. Today the chart of february 28 1987. Click HERE to see the charts.
Zit je er weer klaar voor? Jullie hebben via facebook je keuze gemaakt en Michiel draait ze vandaag uit de enige echte ‘Haagse Flitsende 50’ van 28 februari 1987.

7-8pm CET – A surprise mix by Patrick Camphens.

8pm CET – The one and only sunday night live show with Menno, Gwen & Michiel. Curfew in Holland is still on..But we entertain you no matter what. Any great – classic- tracks we can play for you? Click HERE
Next to your requests fantastic new releases for you tonight! What to think of the latest Italoconnection…Paolo and Fred did it again and we are going to talk live thru Skype with Fred Ventura and who knows even also with Paolo Gozzetti!! Then Marcel de Van has a brilliant new album; Kaffemachine. Lucca Leeloo’s new album with remixes by Italoconnection. Mirko Hirsch, this weeks spacesynth, smalltalk, fun, drinks and so much more….. Do join the Italo family!

Also Every sunday, a bit after 10:30pm CET a mini-mix (APK mix) by Marc Hartman. This week;Just a Human Illusion. All new composed !
‘Even-over-half-met Hartman’ met een gave APK mix. (radio 10)
Within 24hrs all shows are in our download section; Mixcloud & Youtube, playlist will be in the comments, and on Facebook.