I Venti d’Azzurro Special Live show 20200824

The video will start at 20:45 hr. Please refresh round this time.

Because we experienced huge internet problems, caused not by us but by our provider, and especially between 5 and 9pm we skip the Freewheelshow. We also broadcast tonight only via our website and not via our stream, there you can listen to our non-stop. We expect that this all will be solved after tomorrow.

21:00 CET till 23:00 – The one and only i Venti d’Azzurro live show, Eurobeat Special!

21:00h CET. The i Venti d’Azzurro live show! Marcello will take you on a true Italo trip for a few hours playing his finest pieces of vinyl and telling you the best inside stories about the artists, labels and producers. So stay here with us and enjoy this show with Pizza & beer.
chat is open.

Besides the great classic Italo tracks Marcello and guest “Super Euro Jimmy” will play lots of Eurobeat tonight. And…if it all works well they might phone with Bratt Sinclaire.

i Venti shows will be ready within 24 hours. On Youtube and Mixcloud. Just click on download section on top to see it all.