Tag: Mark Lobensteijn

Every Now and Then show hosted by Marco Di Luna & Michiel vd Kuy Live!

8-12pm CET this wednesday;
Tonight Marco Di Luna will fill in for Andre den Hartog while he is abroad!

And Marco has Michiel van der Kuy as special guest tonight!


This will be one you don’t wanna miss! While Andre Den Hartog is enjoying his holiday the Every Now and Then Show is back! I’ve invited the maestro Michiel van der Kuy to join me! You might know him from these projects : 2 The Core, 4 Explore, Area 51 , Attack , Beat Boys, Blitz , Castro, Culture Shock, Denzil & Dwayne, Desiderio, Diffusser, Distortion, Fire On High, Funky Junk, Future State, Glow, Harlow, Kozmoz, L.A. Style, Laserdance, Lovechild, Nymphomania, Ocean Drive, Omikami, Oxidizing Agent, Paradisco, Partners In Crime, Perestroika Power, Pomp, Power Machine, Protocol, Prototype, Proxyon, Run 2, Vibe-rations, KOTO and RYGAR to name just a few 😉

So be there!

CAM’s are rolling, chat will be open and loads of awesome tunes will caress your ears…..

Watch it all live here and join our Global Chatroom…Only on your Radio Stad den Haag!

Every Now &Then show hosted by Marco & BOB Live

8-12pm CET this wednesday;
Tonight Marco Di Luna will fill in for Andre den Hartog while he is abroad! And Marco has some very special guests who will treat you with Live Mix-Sets!

Marco Di Luna’s special guest is a man with quite a history in the global dance music scene. Best known for his over 2 million copies selling Plastic Dreams which reached the number 2 postion in the last House Top 1000 Aller Tijden !

Of course we’re talking about Robin Jaydee Albers! We will chat mainly about his musical “upbringing” and all the music that formed him as a producer and DJ. This will be interesting fo sure!!

But we have another well appreciated guest: Bob van der Linden aka DJ B.O.B.!
We had the pleasure of Bob spinning some tunes live at our station before and tonight Bob and Robin will both do a live set starting around 22h CET. You might also know Bob from the, by now infamous, parties called Hartstocht Festival and back in the day the Joy Factory parties in Rotterdam.

Watch it all live here and join our Global Chatroom…Only on your Radio Stad den Haag!

Every Now & Then show hosted by Marco & BOB Live

8-12pm CET this wednesday;
Tonight Marco Di Luna will fill in for Andre den Hartog while he enjoys a well-deserved vacation! And Marco has some very special guests who will treat you with Live Mix-Sets!

In between loads of nice tunes Di Luna will chat with the one and only Harry Lemon8 about his musical history and all other things that formed him as a DJ and producer. You might know Harry from the old days in Nighttown Rotterdam and his huge bomb of track called Model8 which reached the number 58 postion in the House Top 1000 Aller Tijden !

But we have another well appreciated guest: Bob van der Linden aka DJ B.O.B.!
We had the pleasure of Bob spinning some tunes live at our station before and on the 26th both Bob and Harry will do a live set starting around 22h CET. You might also know Bob from the, by now infamous, parties called Hartstocht Festival and back in the day the Joy Factory parties in Rotterdam.

Watch it all live here and join our Global Chatroom…Only on your Radio Stad den Haag!

NEW/Pilot; Every Now & Then show hosted by Marco & BOB Live

8-11pm CET – We have a pilot my friends!
A few weeks ago we had DJ BOB mixing live on a sunday, and BOB knows our own Marco Di Luna very well.
Now they have bonded and came up with an ‘Every now and then’ Show. So…not every week!
And if these two smart guys are together, we know you get a hell of a show packed with extraordinary tracks and facts from the whole disco/dance/new wave and whatever era.
And this evening they already have their first guest! Mick Boskamp.
Mick was one of the first editors of a famous magazine called ‘De Hitkrant’… he met them all, knows it all. Oh boys (and girls) what a night this will be!

De eerste pilot aflevering van Marco di Luna (Mark Lobensteijn) samen met BOB van der Linden. Twee kerels met een muziek verleden en dat zul je merken vanavond. Vanavond hebben ze zelfs al hun eerste gast! Mick Boskamp. Mick was een van de eerste redacteuren van de Hitkrant en daarna van …ja wel…de Playboy. Verwacht dus mooie verhalen over Iggy Pop, Prince en meer uit zijn rugzak. Kijk en luister mee vanavond van 8 tot 11 uur! Niet elke week dus maar Now & Then…

Rhythm Kitchen Live Last episode !

Video starts at 19:45, please refresh your browser by that time to see the videoscreen


Let us entertain you this Tuesday night for the last time. Rhythm Kitchen show stops. Marco di Luna will officially announce that he is no longer able to participate due to private obligations. Therefor this show has come to an end. Lets make it a very good last one!
Thanks to you all for listening the last years!!

Cams are rolling and chat is open between 20:00 and 22:00h cet!

Hosted by Andre den Hartog and Mix DJ Alex Ivens!

Rhythm Kitchen Live !

Video starts at 19:45, please refresh your browser by that time to see the videoscreen


Let us entertain you this Tuesday night.

Come join the Rhythm Kitchen for loads of great music from every thinkable era!

Let’s unite through music!

Cams are rolling and chat is open between 20:00 and 22:00h cet!

Hosted by Andre den Hartog & Guest!