Tag: Albert Pavia Albert One memorial 2024One memorial

No Show this tuesday / Tip; Watch Italian program Albert One this evening

* Herman is 3 weken op vakantie dus er is geen Stad Super 1, 2 of 3 Show. Wel is er via Italiaanse collega’s vanavond een voorprogramma voor het aankomende Albert One tribute concert op 8 september in Pavia Italie.
Dit begint om 21:15 en is via deze YOUTUBE LINK te volgen .
* The next few weeks no live show with Herman & friends due to holiday. We do like to tip you for an Italian show this evening via youtube. Its a runner up to the 2nd memorial concert next weekend for Albert One in Pavia Italy.
* STASERA, Martedi 3 Settembre ore 21:15 in diretta sul canale di I Love Italo Disco: https://www.youtube.com/@iloveitalodisco…/streams Parleremo di Albert One e dell’evento che si svolgerà l’8 Settembre a Fortunago (PV) dedicato alla sua memoria, con ricordi, emozioni e rispetto. Vi aspettiamo numerosi in collegamento.